Скачать Automatic Wallpaper Changer v4.10.33
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Automatic Wallpaper Changer v4.10.33

Скачать Automatic Wallpaper Changer v4.10.33

Automatic Wallpaper Changer (AWC) - программа для обновление обоев для рабочего стола по расписанию. Изображение можно растянуть, подобрать его разрешение или отобразить в реальном размере. В последнем случае картинка размещается не только в центре экрана, как предусмотрено настройками Windows, а в любом из четырех углов дисплея или по центру одной из кромок.

Key Features
• Select files from multiple directories and their subdirectories if required
• Multiple resizing options: Full Screen, Best Fit and Worst Fit Examples
• When resizing you can pick the method that gives your pictures the best result (Catmull-Rom and Lanczos supported)
• Alpha blended fade effects for seamless merging of the wallpaper and background. Examples
• Put a decorative frame around the image Examples
• Multi-monitor systems can display the image properly resized on all monitors or display a different image on each monitor
• Put a background image onto the screen before displaying the wallpaper on top of it Examples
• Save you current preferences to a file as a theme to be reloaded later
• Enhance brightness, contrast and gamma correction independently from your monitor settings
• Change wallpaper at user defined intervals or once at startup
• The AWC screen saver shows your wallpapers in all their glory by removing the windows and icons
• Apply various graphic effects when displaying such as invert and emboss
• Use hotkeys to change the desktop on demand
• Automatically check your image directories to see if any new files have been downloaded and add them to the display list
• Ensure that each image in the list is displayed only once, even across Windows sessions
• Virtually unlimited number of images can be displayed
• Use EXIF orientation flag in photographs to automatically rotate images
• Display the file name on the image
• Filter the files to display by age, date and minimum size
• Multiple tiling options Examples
• Image formats supported are BMP, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PCX, TGA, RLE.

4.10.33 - February 05, 2012
• The way the AWC wallpaper is constructed and displayed on screen has been changed so that it should now display on multimonitor systems correctly irrespective of how they are laid out. Note that this can mean that opening the underlying bitmap in an editor might mean that you do not see what you expect. I only have access to systems with two monitors so reports of any problems on systems with more than that will be appreciated.
• Screensaver functionality changed to match the new way of handling multimonitor systems.
• On Windows 7 systems you can now set the OS Logon Screen background to be the wallpaper that is currently displayed on your desktop. Note that on multimonitor systems it is the wallpaper on your primary monitor that is used.
• Restart button caption now changes between Start/Restart depending on current status

Год выхода: 2012
Версия: v4.10.33
Платформа: Windows XP/Vista/7
Язык Интерфейса: English
Таблетка: serial
Размер: 8.81 Mb

Скачать Automatic Wallpaper Changer v4.10.33

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Tags:     Скачать Automatic Wallpaper Changer v4.10.33      программа      для обновление      обоев      для рабочего стола      по расписанию      Изображение      можно растянуть      подобрать      разрешение      отобразить в реальном размере      В последнем случае      картинка      размещается      в центре экрана      как предусмотрено      настройками Windows      в любом      четырех      углов дисплея      по центру      одной из кромок

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